Sep 1, 2016

New Back/Lay Surebets!

Back/Lay surebets added in OddStorm!

Hello OddStorm friends,

Take advantage of the thousands of new back/lay arbitrages. Completely working filter for commissions and liquidity! Re-navigate only current odd. All this in our latest release of the Desktop App!

To run the Back/Lay arbitrages just download the Desktop App, log in and go to InPlay/PreMatch -> Back/Lay Surebets.

In the bookmakers section you can set the default commission for the betting exchanges and the liquidity.

In addition there is a new tab in the surebet calculator where you can manually change the commission for the current arbitrage.

There is also an option to re-navigate only current odd instead of re-navigating the whole arbitrage. Just right-click on the odd and go to "Navigate XXX at XXX".

You can read more in our training program: Back/Lay surebets